MO.RI Publishing invites all researchers, scholars, and practitioners to submit their scientific manuscript to our journals. The Journal of Digital Learning and Education (JDLE) aims to provide a forum for researchers, educators, teachers, trainer and other practitioners to present their latest research papers, case studies, reviews, and short communications in the field of Digital Learning and Education.

Volume 01 No.1: April 2021

Volume 01 No.2: August 2021

Volume 01 No.3: December 2021


  • E-leaning: Academic Participation and Freedom
  • E-Learning Effectiveness and Outcomes
  • E-learning Evaluation and Content
  • E-Learning Platforms
  • E-Learning Strategies
  • Social Benefits of e-Learning
  • educational theory; concept and models
  • educational management
  • innovation in education
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
  • Blended Learning
  • Digital Classrooms
  • Mobile Learning
  • Web-based Learning
  • Self-learning Integrated Methodology
  • Virtual Learning Environments
  • development of digital teaching materials
  • Multimedia in e-learning
  • 3D and animation learning media
  • Computer-Aided Assessments
  • Practices and Cases in Education
  • Classroom Action Research

Author Guidelines: 


Register: http://journal.moripublishing.com/index.php/jdle/user/register

Article Processing Charges: FREE

Contact: WA +6285364961236 / jdle@moripublishing.com 


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